End of Semester Update

Stories From Campus

At one of our Large Group meetings this semester, I preached on John 13:21–30. In this text, Judas leaves to betray Jesus. In this sermon, I made the point that Jesus knows our hearts and that this doesn’t have to be bad news, but it is actually really good news. Looking at how Judas had been essentially hiding what was going on inside him, the three points were: (1) Since Jesus knows our hearts, we don’t have to hide behind good works, (2) Since Jesus knows our hearts, we don’t have to hide from others, and (3) Since Jesus knows our hearts, we don’t have to hide from God. A few days later, I met with one of our guy students for lunch. During the meeting, he shared with me that this sermon was the first time in his life that he realized he actually had a lot in common with Judas. He then began to confess sins that he had been struggling with as he realized the good news that in Jesus we don’t have to hide. It was so awesome to see how God was working in him and freeing him from the guilt and shame of sin. By confessing these sins with me, I was able to share the Gospel with him and help him to start pursuing freedom from them.

Another great story from this semester comes from our Fall Conference. Our speaker this year was John Bourgeois, the Senior Pastor at West End Community Church and former RUF Campus Minister. He preached sermons from various places in the Minor Prophets. One of his sermons answered the question, “What Does God Really Want From Me?” with “Repentance” from Joel 2. One of our students who went was a freshman guy who hadn’t been involved in RUF at all apart from meeting with me up to this point. After the conference, this student called me and realized that he hadn’t been walking in repentance. He began to confess sins to me and stated that he wanted to get more involved with RUF because he saw the necessity of community in following Jesus. It has been so great seeing how the Lord has been working in this student’s heart since then.

These are just a couple of the amazing stories of God’s grace at work on Tennessee Tech’s campus this past semester. This semester, I have been reminded time and time again that God really is at work drawing people to Himself. Thank you so much for your prayers and support! None of this would be possible without you!


This Spring Break, my intern (Corinne) and I will be taking 11 students with us on a Mission Trip to San Salvador, El Salvador. We will be serving a new church plant with MTW missionaries in their desire to see the Gospel go forth in El Salvador. Here is an excerpt about the work from the team:

El Salvador is a tiny nation which has seen decades of corruption at the expense of its citizens’ physical and economic security. Poverty is extreme and many Salvadorans have lost hope, looking to their politicians, relatives in the U.S., or Bitcoin, or sometimes other more desperate choices for answers. But their only sure salvation will come from Jesus Christ and we are eager to share this good news!

We are launching a new team to take on this God-sized task. Led by veteran missionaries, the desire is to impact the culture of El Salvador by identifying and training leaders who have a vision to start churches in their communities. The gospel can transform lives and bring hope to El Salvador!

Please be praying for these students as they raise funds and prepare to go on this trip to take part in Jesus’s mission to reach people from every tribe, tongue, and nation.

As Christmas Break begins, I will also be working on fundraising. Ministry has thrived this semester, but in order to continue the work, it is necessary that we meet our budgetary needs. Be praying for me as I work over the next month to raise the remaining $41,550 needed. Here is an excerpt from the document that I am sharing with new donors:

Budget Need for 2024:

This is not possible without the generosity of individuals such as yourself who long to see the Gospel go forth on the college campus. For the year of 2024, our budget is $155,000. This money goes toward the Campus Minister’s salary, ministry allowance for Interns, providing teaching materials for the Campus Minister, Interns, and students, providing equipment and supplies for Large Group, Small Groups, and 1-on-1 meetings, Scholarships so that students can attend our Fall, Winter, and Summer Conferences, Mercy Ministry for students who are struggling financially, supplies for outreach events, a Spring Break Mission Trip to El Salvador, and much more. Of the $152,000 budget, approximately $110,450 has already been pledged. That leaves only $41,550 to ensure that RUF at TTU can continue to serve students by loving them and sharing the Gospel of Jesus with them. We are currently looking for 17 more partners to join us in this endeavor. 

Total Budget for 2024: $110,450

Total Left to Raise for 2024: $41,550

Pledged: ✅

Left to Raise: 👤

Donation Amount         Ministry Partners 

$15,000                             👤 

$10,000                             👤 

$5,000                              👤👤 

$1,000                              👤👤👤

$500                                 👤👤👤👤 

$250                                 👤👤👤👤👤👤

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for me as I continue my fundraising efforts. Pray that the Lord would continue to help me identify people who are passionate about what he is doing at TTU!

  • Pray for the students as they are back home for Christmas Break. Pray that they would not waste this time, but would spend it looking to deepen their relationship with Jesus.

  • Pray for our intern during this break. Pray that she would enjoy getting to return home and visit with family. Pray also that the Lord would help her as she raises funds.

  • Pray that as the semester slows down that I would be able to spend more time with my family. Charli and the girls are doing great, and I am looking forward to getting to spend more time with them than normal.


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